How to cast love spells incorrectly

  Many articles explaining how to cast love spells recommend needles as one of the key magic ingredients. In my opinion, this advice puts inexperienced magic practitioners at unnecessary risk and is very dangerous. When you pierce a photo of your loved one or your photo through with a needle, you break through their protective field which may never be restored. It automatically transforms your love spell into a curse. As for what a curse is and why it is dangerous, please see my website. If any items are required to perform a ritual, remember that these are always special magic items. They can be found at specialized esoteric stores or on websites run by professional magic practitioners. If you need a candle, it should be a special magic candle. If you need a knife, it should be a special magic knife. And so on and so forth. Speaking of needles, I’ve come across multiple sources encouraging beginning magic practitioners to hide needles at the target’s house. They say you should put some spell on a needle and then bring the needle to the target’s house and hide it in a crack in the floor, under wallpaper, etc. It’s a big mistake. The needle will destroy the protective energy of the place making it easier for evil forces to get in. It’s very common with black magic which engages evil forces to impact the target. However, as a beginning magic practitioner, you should avoid black magic. It’s too dangerous and can have long-term negative effects. I’d like to say a few words about your mindset when you’re going to cast a powerful love spell. I, spellcaster Maxim, believe that the ritual can be successful only if: - You believe it’ll be successful; - You’re confident; - You feel you’re about to finally become happy; - You’re not scared; - You’re optimistic; - You don’t have nightmares; - You believe you have the right to put a love spell on the target; - You feel empowered; - You feel like your heart is bursting with love for the target. If all of these apply to you, proceed with your spell. Everything should be fine. However, you should be prepared to deal with a number of unpleasant side-effects if you: - Seek revenge; - Intend to destroy someone’s family; - Are going to use a black magic ritual; - Going to dominate the target in your relationship; - Want to make the target obey you; - Are driven only by your sexual desire; - Want to be with the target to eventually break the target’s heart. If that’s the case, your strongest love spell will turn into a powerful self-curse in no time.


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