Easy love spells to get your ex back

 Having found an item to use in your spell, examine it to make sure it meets the following requirements:

- It was purchased personally by the target;

- It was used by your beloved on a regular basis;

- It was never borrowed by a third party;

- It has some bio marks of your ex-lover (like a bar of soap or a mug would);

- It’s compact (your loved one’s favorite chair or TV won’t do);

- It costs more than one dollar;

- Your beloved will be happy to get it back;

- It won’t be used by other people, such as his friends;

- You know for sure what it’s for;

- Preferably, it was used to make money (for example, a writer’s pen);

- It should be old enough and have some scratches or rubbing marks;

- It shouldn’t be broken or require any repair.

Keep this item under your pillow for three days, including at night when you sleep. Utter the incantation on the fourth day in the evening. But promise yourself not to get upset if it doesn’t work. I, spellcaster Maxim, have repeatedly warned my readers that easy love spells to get your ex back don’t bring guaranteed results. They just offer a good chance at reuniting with the ex-lover. So when you decide to cast this spell, always have a backup plan, which is the contact information of a trained spell caster specializing in love magic.

Since you’re here on my website, write down my phone number and email address. I can assure you that you’ll need it at some point. My specialty is love magic, but I also help people get rich and win jackpots, improve their luck and health, and help them restore their families.

To cast this spell, take a large white candle, a cotton wool ball and a magnifying glass. Hold the magnifying glass under the sun to concentrate the light on the cotton ball and light it on fire, and then use the cotton ball to light the candle. Sit down on the floor. You should be sitting on a hard surface so the use of pillows or folded blankets is prohibited. Put your photo on the floor, put the chosen item on top of the photo, and utter the incantation while holding the candle and moving it around the item dripping its wax on the floor. Repeat multiple times:

“I’ve found your (the target’s name) trace. It led me to you (the target’s name). I’ve tracked you (name) down and stopped you (name). You (name) wanted to leave. But we’ve met again. Give me your hand, squeeze my fingers tightly, and never let go of it. Our love will be revived once we touch each other. And together with our love a desire to start over will be born.


Take this thing (say what it is), touch me, feel me, and remember the good moments that we’ve shared.

Take this thing (say what it is), touch me, feel me, and remember the good moments that we’ve shared.

Take this thing (say what it is), touch me, feel me, and remember the good moments that we’ve shared.”


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